Kyle Gallor

Second-Year Business Administration Student Minoring in Real Estate

Miramar, FL
Growing up in a business-oriented family sparked my passion for a career in business. With many family members engaged in real estate as well, I have also developed a deep passion for pursuing real estate in my future career endeavors. I have big goals and dreams to own personal businesses and properties in the foreseeable future, as I have continued to develop my entrepreneurial mindset since I was little. Hispanic culture has an enormous place in my personal development, as I grew up in a Cuban household with family members that only spoke Spanish. I have had the privilege of becoming immersed in many different cultures because of my opportunities to travel with soccer teams in high school and volunteer organizations. My diverse understanding and appreciation for culture has helped me develop a greater perspective that I can to translate to the professional world. My perseverance, hard-work, and leadership skills make me a valuable asset to any company or opportunity that I am apart of.
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